New Year's Day It’s early on 1 January 2025, a Wednesday, around 7.05am, UK time.
Outside is still dark, and only five windows of the hundreds I can see from the top of the house have some visible life behind them - the lights are on though the curtains are almost fully drawn. All others in their households are likely lying in it being the morning after the night before, or away elsewhere having celebrated with friends or family. A Wednesday start to the year means it will be at least next Monday before things really start to get back to normal and the usual working week-on-week routines resume. I’ve known for a long time that some cultures believe lentils and black eyed beans eaten today are bearers of good fortune for the year ahead, though this is the first year I’m knowingly cooking a dish with this in mind. Being vegetarians, lentils and beans in their various guises are a regular part of a meal, and I’m sure have often been cooked on the first day of the year without any thought to relevance. Today, however, for the year ahead, it feels apt to actively do something, however small, that is believed by many to bring good fortune; so many of us need and want good fortune this year as wars of words and weapons rage across the globe, so split red lentils it will be. A few weeks back on our Facebook group Planet Vegetaria Isabelle of The Natural Choice posted a recipe of Lebanese Lemon Lentil Soup; I made a note to make it. Over the past few days I’ve had a hankering to make it today, so make it I did. Lebanese Lemon Lentil Soup is made with red lentils, which in some cultures are thought to bring good fortune for the year ahead if eaten today - reminiscent as they are of small gold coins. For me, this bitingly lemony soft soup of lentils started the year well, and might even bring some good health and wellness too… fingers crossed! Recipe & Method: ‘United Tastes’ on Facebook Changes made: I used brown rice rather than white, and added an extra 250ml of water. Will I do it again? Definitely Weather: Cold and very windy and gusty to begin with, then mellowing but rain coming in early afternoon and staying. Breakfast: Christmas Loaf, toasted with Flora Pro-Activ Buttery Lunch: Lebanese Lemon Lentil Soup & leftover Lidl Sourdough Supper: White Bean & Celery Lasagne & Grated Salad