30 January 2025 (Thursday) The weather’s fabulous - a perfect winter's day - and Richard suggests we go out for the morning, not just out but out out… drive out somewhere with Fenella and have a good walk. My heart sinks and flutters happily at the same time… You see, things have been a bit challenging of late, and I’ve SO MUCH work work that I need to do at my desk…adverts need to be booked, artwork needs to be designed for said adverts, poster artwork for five shows needs to be checked and finalised and uploaded, the leaflets for the same shows need the same process (and in the case of a new show needs designing too!), stock needs to be added to the For Earth’s Sake till system, and each item has to have its wholesale price double-checked to ensure the price we sell at is correct and that a product hasn’t surreptitiously risen in price without us noticing (meaning we might sell a product at less than we buy it for… yes, that has happened, though not on my watch!)… and also, with the day being sunny I could really do with getting down to the plot and getting some decent jobs done. However, as I say, things have been challenging of late and both of us feel our tanks are empty and need some restoration, and a good few hours of walking will only do us good, and we need that at the moment. So, after an hour or so sorting various things at my desk, including booking ads, checking print deadlines and scheduling what absolutely needs priority when I get back to my desk this afternoon, AND after having a fabulous bowl of porridge made by Richard, we’re ready to set off… almost. Now, we’re at that age where a car journey of an hour or more requires several trips to the loo. Yes, I know wherever we go there’s likely to be trees, though it's cold in the shade and getting out what needs to be got out should either of us get caught short, well… Best empty these tanks as much as possible before putting a foot down on the accelerator. Richard drove, and unusually for a Thursday the M40 and connecting roads were really busy, and lots of middle-lane drivers too! We’d decided to head to Aston Rowant Nature Reserve, about thirty minutes up the M40 and a favourite haunt of ours. On the motorway there was a lot of avoiding potholes, some the size of old wheel hubs, especially at the turn off to High Wycombe where one would have virtually swallowed an elephant, albeit a baby one… When we then went onto the side roads to get to the nature reserve… well, in some places it was difficult trying to make out the road as it was more holes than tarmacadam! In the end we parked at Cowleaze Wood, about another mile on from Aston Rowant. At the best of times the side road that leads to the Aston Rowant Nature Reserve is well potholed, and seeing how the roads had been this one would likely have gotten worse, so Richard decided to avoid that road today. Good decision, no doubt! Out of the car, boot open, walking boots on, hat on, gloves on, boot shut, car doors shut, car locked, car locked again just to be sure, car keys put away in a zipped pocket, and we are ready to walk. Of course, the journey was worth it, as always. The sun was out, warming us as we walked, and the breeze was lighter than usual, no wind, just a gentle breeze that sounds stronger than it actually was on the footage we took. If you watch Richard’s vlog he’ll have lots of footage of our walk, and on my A Week at the Plot, there’s some too, though I concentrate on how the land management of the area has cut back hedge and bramble growth quite a bit, leading to being much more muddy underfoot than it usually is. But that’s the thing with land management, sometimes to keep all in check things need a good cut back… a bit like my own hair post-pandemic! The walk was lovely, the rice cakes, buttery spread and yeast extract were lovely, the flask of sweet tea was lovely, the air and the views and the red kites gliding overhead in large numbers were lovely. I guess it’s fair to say, all was lovely. A few hours later, tanks restored and with lots of fresh air having gone through our lungs, it was time to wend our way home.. and then for me, an afternoon of desk work work ahead. Oh, and by the way, despite us both having tried to empty those other tanks prior to setting off, two trees were watered and given a boost of nitrogen! Weather: Gorgeous day - blue skies, fluffy clouds. Around 10° though feeling quite a bit warmer with the sun so glorious. Breakfast: Porridge, banana and bran sticks Lunch: Squash & Red Lentil Soup (from freezer), Artisan baguette from Lidl Supper: Lidl Veggie Pizza, Grated Carrot Salad - as last night
31/1/2025 18:30:56
How lucky you Brits are having the perfect climate, where one can go out into nature and greenery whole year round! Only greenery I get for 4 winter months is me, green with envy.
Paul Savident
31/1/2025 19:18:08
We are indeed lucky, though today has been wet and grey, the sun tried to break through but gave up. 👍😊👍 I will have a look at the photos. 🤞👍🤞
3/2/2025 05:32:45
I did enjoy reading that Paul,,you write as you speak and that’s nice to read. I had a giggle at watering the trees🫣,,,🌸
Paul Savident
3/2/2025 07:23:13
Lovely to hear that Diana. 👍 And I'm sure those trees are already bursting too... into bud, that is! 😁
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